Monday, November 29, 2010

Ya Allah!kau limpahkan rezeki mu seluas2nya kepadaku dengan penuh KEBERKATANMU,Ya Allah!jika rezekiku dilangit Kau turunkan,Ya Allah!jika rezeki ku dibumi Kau keluarkanlah,Ya Allah!jika rezeki ku jauh Kau dekatkanlah,Ya Allah!jika rezeki ku sukar Kau permudahkanlah,Ya Allah!jika rezeki ku haram kau bersihkanlah,Ya Alla...h!jika rezeki kecil kau besarkanlah.Ya Allah!perkenankanlah doaku Disember ini PR atlist 4PLAT.Amin!
MEMANG HEBAT APABILA MENJADI PENGGUNA YG BIJAK & BERKUASA!!! Jom guna e-shop utk dpt e saving UNLIMITED!!! Shopping dimensi baru dgn peluang terbuka serta global. Nak tahu lanjut caranya... HIT MY INBOX / SMS 0126656874

Sunday, November 28, 2010

MEMANG HEBAT APABILA MENJADI PENGGUNA YG BIJAK & BERKUASA!!! Jom guna e-shop utk dpt e saving UNLIMITED!!! Shopping dimensi baru dgn peluang terbuka serta global. Nak tahu lanjut caranya... HIT MY INBOX / SMS 0126656874
MEMANG HEBAT APABILA MENJADI PENGGUNA YG BIJAK & BERKUASA!!! Jom guna e-shop utk dpt e saving UNLIMITED!!! Shopping dimensi baru dgn peluang terbuka serta global. Nak tahu lanjut caranya... HIT MY INBOX / SMS 0126656874

Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Sekarang, jika kita tidak ambil risiko dan berani, kita tidak boleh jadi kaya. Tidak boleh menjadi jutawan kerana peluang adalah lebih banyak daripada dulu"

Friday, November 26, 2010

RM0.Kekayaan akan muncul kpd anda jika anda percayai! Sila PM inbox me @ sms ke 0126656874 utk temujanji! SIFU 'SAVING' akan tunjuk TEKNIK & TEKTIK! 95% kejayaan!!!~Muzri

Thursday, November 25, 2010

As long as your going to be thinking anyway, think big.


1. Have a clear vision and
strategy for your financial future:

~ remember that hope is not a strategy

2. Give generously and wisely:

practice educated giving

3. Keep score:

~ know your true net worth, play aggressive offense by investing and aggressive defense by eliminating or reducing debt

4. Live below your means

5. Create a realistic budget:

~Budget = Income Planned Spending + Savings

6. Start investing now and make it a habit:

~ invest every month

7. Figure out a way to buy a home

8. Avoid debt:

~ at all costs... if you have debt, realize that it is costing you money, and causing unnecessary worry. When paying off debt, prioritize your payments reduce the highest-interest debt first

9. Keep good credit:

~ know your credit score and take decisive action to improve it10. Find multiple streams of income find investment vehicles such as 401(K)s, mutual funds, and bonds, or turn your passion or hobby into a business. Opportunities are all around you. Open your eyes for your own streams of income.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

People will forget what you do. People will forget what you say. But people will not forget how you make them feel!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will.