Showing posts with label CCRIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CCRIS. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Applying loan with bad record in CCRIS

FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) about CCRIS.

Q : My name is in CCRIS. What it’s mean?
A : Actually everyone who has loan with bank has their name in CCRIS. Regardless your payment record is good or not. So what bank will check in CCRIS is your payment history. Any overdue payment on your record.
Example of Good record:
Example of Bad record:
Based on my experience applying loan from 5 banks, bank definitely will check our CCRIS’s status together with our payslip, EA form, etc. It’s one of procedure in their system. One of bank officer did show me that he couldn’t click on submit button because his system locked it because of my bad record in CCRIS. It appears that I have overdue payment with other bank.
Q : With my bad record in CCRIS, how can I apply for loan?
A : Clear your overdue payment, make sure to pay your regular payment after that, and apply again for loan 3 months later.
Q : Why I only can apply again 3 months later?
A : Bank want to make sure that you’re really committed. If you apply loan again right after you clear your overdue payment, bank will considered that you did that just to get another loan.
Q : I can’t wait for another 3 months. How should I do?
A : If you have some cash that could cover all you outstanding loan, make full settlement. Within 40 days after you did full settlement, the loan record will be deleted from CCRIS. Or you can apply again using full settlement letter from bank.
Q : Bank that I’m applying loan can’t check which bank that I have overdue payment. So how to check my CCRIS?
A : Call every bank of your loan and check with them whether you have overdue payment. Or go to Bank Negara to get a full report. Check previous post for details…About CCRIS (Apa itu CCRIS)
Q : Any other way than above?
A : This really rare but some officer can submit your loan with your degree or other certificate. This happened to me because I can’t wait for 3 months after clear all my overdue payment. Don’t know how the officer did it, but don’t put your hope so much.